We’ve prepared some tips for you on how to create a good selling headline for push notifications.
- Share good news with your users. For example, sales are a good thing that always attract attention.
- Personalize. You can use any aspect related to users in your settings, such as time, location, name, activity level, and more.
- Be concise. Push notifications that contain 20-90 characters have the highest CTR. If that’s not enough, you can also use emojis, images, and other content.
- Make it actionable. It’s important that users discover new things and do things faster, better, and better than others. How can you achieve this? Treat Push like you’re making a suggestion, not like you’re giving a command. “Designer Deals at your fingertips!” sounds a lot more polite than “Check out today’s deal!”, doesn’t it? Remember that luxury shoppers prefer a more flirtatious form, like “Treat yourself!”.
- Use purposeful capitalization. This way, you can draw users’ attention to a keyword relevant to your product or service, or simply encourage them to engage with the app.
- Help them along. Everyone has specific goals they want to achieve, so your notification can address that. This method has been tried and perfected by fitness apps that encourage users to reach their daily goals.
- Add a little humor. Of course, this is best done in the context of your app or a similar product, but a little humor doesn’t hurt. You don’t have to crack a “Yo Momma” joke right away, but you can simply entertain yourself to keep the user interested.
- Be simple. Sometimes simplicity is best when it comes to push notification design. A simple question can get the user to respond. A simple statement can turn into a challenge or get the user to complete the action.
Webmasters create a lot of converting headlines every day and they convert just as well as the old ones. Test them out with RollerAds, make them more meaningful and read more useful articles on our blog.