5 Ways to Increase Push Notification Subscription

As a publisher you might be interested in monetizing your website in various ways! In this case you may create a successful push notification marketing strategy! To monetize your subscription list first you should generate one. 

The average opt-in rate for push notifications is 2.5% to 5%. But, if you want to maximize your subscriptions, we’ve got some ideas for you!

Pick up these tips and hacks to grow your subscriber list instantly.

1. Write a catchy overlay (Overlay Copy)

The browser prompt isn’t customizable since their appearance is controlled by the browser that the user is on. But that could be fixed by OVERLAY. You have the option of displaying an attractive message to let your visitors know more about what they can expect from the website notifications. Design in the way you like and it may increase your subscription rate!

2. Put Delay

Don’t you want to be too intrusive? Then put delay for your push notification prompt! When a visitor first lands on the website, it’s crucial to give them some time before asking permission to send push notifications. These few seconds allow them to look through the website and have a better impression of what you have to offer.

Delay is possible in two ways:

  • Time delay: You can delay the opt-in based on time spent. Most of the websites put a delay to 5 sec to 7 sec. 
  • Page Scroll: You can delay the opt-in based on page scrolled. 10%, 50% or any % of page scroll delay.

3. Notification Widget

If the user clicks on “Block”, the notification opt-in will not appear again. To get those visitors to subscribe once they are ready, use the Notification Widget. Just enable it and it will appear for those who have clicked “Blocked”.

4. Exclude Unnecessary Pages

Visitors can go to any of the pages of your website and some of them may be just for information like Terms and Conditions, Cookies Policy, etc. Showing subscription opt-in on these pages will appear as intrusive and decrease your subscription opt-in rate.

5. Cookie Duration

When the user clicks on “X” on the subscription opt-in, the widget also cannot help. The opt-in will not appear even when the user comes back to your website. If you want to re-engage your user and offer to subscribe once again then set Cookies Duration. You have to configure the days after which the Push Subscription Opt-In will reappear. And don’t forget to test! 

Our managers will always help you if you have any difficulties with setting push notifications, create an account and we will contact you shortly!

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