We at RollerAds are ready to announce a new ad format – ONCLICK!

OnClick ads, also known as popunder ads, is one of the most popular ad formats available across all verticals! It is affordable, has a high profit margin, and most importantly, can be extremely effective — if used correctly.

A popunder is an ad that is loaded right under the main active window or a tab after a user performs a triggering action — for instance, stays on the Publisher’s website for some time or clicks on a certain area of it. In this way, Popunders solve the problem of ‘ad blindness’ since the user doesn’t have to click on the ad banner — with OnClick, there are simply none!

How does the OnClick format work?

To run Onclick campaigns, you don’t need a creative. All that you need is a Target URL that leads to an offer or a product that you would like to promote. This link is then implemented to our Publisher’s website. After a user makes a click, a popunder window leading to your campaign’s URL is automatically opened in an additional window or a tab.

Pops are used to generate leads. There are two popular ways of doing that: via a redirect, leading to the advertiser’s page with an offer, or via a pre-lander, a sort of a landing page with no form to fill in but with a Call-to-Action (CTA) button. Pre-landers are used for the purpose of playing with a user, warming them up before making a direct offer. Sometimes there can be more than one pre-lander to gain a conversion.

How do OnClick ads perform?

Despite the idea that pops are too intrusive, they actually convert much better in comparison to many other ad formats, sometimes reaching up to 300% boost in ROI.

Onclick also wins when we consider the problem of the ad blindness or, in other words, the users’ neglect towards the banners and display ads. Users interact with popunder ads more consciously, so keeping in mind that pops target the right audience, they have a much better chance of being seen.

Popunders are popular with such verticals as Finance, Software, Dating, eCommerce, Betting, Gambling, Games, Nutra, Sweepstakes, Extensions, Utilities, Push Subscriptions, PinSubmit! So go ahead, give it a try!

Go to your account, select the “Create Campaign” tab and choose OnClick to launch your first popunder campaign with RollerAds!

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