The time has come to tell you about the exciting improvements made by our development team.
What’s new
Add push notifications to your website with the WordPress plugin. The biggest news of April is that we added our own plugin to the WordPress store. This will make it much easier to install the plugin to gather a base of subscribers and show push ads. If your website is built on WordPress, all you have to do is visit our page in the plugin store and install it.

Now there are two ways to connect to RollerAds, either by adding a few lines of code on your website or by installing the plugin.
*available only for the WordPress-based websites
Set custom per-GEO frequency for push notifications. If you want a certain number of notifications per day on a particular GEO, it is now possible. Contact your manager, share your strategy, and they will help you with the implementation.
Visit our social networks directly from your account. The latest RollerAds news, announcements of promotions, and useful materials about affiliate marketing are all published there. Social network buttons are already available in your account.

Many changes remain behind the scenes, as it is not always possible to show them in the interface. In product updates, we report only on the most significant ones.
Stay tuned, so you won’t miss the next updates, tweaks, and improvements!