Celebrating a Year of Remarkable Growth and Innovation at RollerAds

As 2023 draws to its close, it’s high time to reflect on our accomplishments. We have prepared an annual compilation of RollerAds’ achievements to make sure your trust in us is warranted. It’s been an eventful year, and we thank all our partners for being with us, sharing our ups and downs.

With your assistance, we have become stronger than ever. RollerAds generates tons of impressions and clicks daily. The influx of new publishers and advertisers does not seem to stop. We’ve rolled out a bunch of useful updates, some of which are being used already. Below you will find all the necessary numbers to confirm these claims. 

2023 RollerAds in Numbers

  • 840,471,891,390 impressions: there is no escape from our marketing grasp
  • 933,609,012 clicks: one doesn’t simply walk away without a click
  • 181,420 campaigns created: each campaign is a story of ambition and achievement
  • 14,735 new advertisers: welcome to the family!
  • 7,256 new publishers: expanding our network with quality and diversity

Product Updates: Innovating for Your Success

The year of 2023 for RollerAds is marked with countless milestones. Let’s walk through some of the most prominent ones.

  • New features: we introduced 62 features, including Auto-generated Creatives, Traffic Presets, and Custom Content Locker and Subscription Window
  • Enhanced campaign rotation: we strive for ultimate campaign performance
  • Advanced quality control: zero-tolerance for low-quality traffic
  • Improved user interface: it’s not always about technicalities, some of our updates made the platform more user-friendly

Client Support: Always Here for You

  • Live chat response: 2 minutes
  • Email response: 30 minutes
  • 15,000 resolved tickets: all hail to our dedicated support team

Content News: Keeping You Informed and Empowered

  • 54 educational articles: news, interviews, feature updates — all published in our blog
  • Trendy topics: our readers favor case studies, interviews with RollerAds employees, vertical & GEO overviews

All these numbers and facts are grounded in the success stories of our partners. We believe that without your contribution, there would be no RollerAds. Thank you for making these achievements possible and rest assured: RollerAds works 24/7 to make your dreams come true.

We wish you happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year. It promises to be full of adventures and challenges. But we are ready to tackle any problem and go for the excellence no matter what. In 2024, we have our eyes set on bringing you even more value, service, and growth potential. So join us, as we make our way toward becoming the best ad network in the market 🥇

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