Hybrid Format: an Alternative Usage of Push-Notifications for Publishers


Perhaps you have one or two websites of your own. In this case, we assume you know already how to monetize traffic via push-notifications. Chances are, you even use this ad format as a source of income.

In this article, we’ll tell you about an alternative usage of push-notifications, when you interact with your subscribers to inform them about news, updates, highlights, etc. We’ll also elaborate on various push-notification types and explain how they can increase your revenue. At RollerAds, we call it a hybrid format, which is based on long-term relationships with steadily growing money.

Push-Notifications Explained

What is push? It is a tiny message with a picture, popping up on the screen of a device (PC, mobile, tablet). These messages can include the info on various services, products, discounts, special offers, and triggers to complete a certain action. They are sent only to the users, who expressed their consent to receive pushes from a specific website. To start collecting the user base, you ought to install a separate extension, provided by the push service providers.

Pushes enjoy a few advantages:

  • They don’t mess with the website user experience (UX), since they are browser-based
  • Their Click-Through Rate (CTR) tends to be high, thanks to inherent nativity
  • They are shown to the users online only
  • AdBlock is virtually powerless against them
  • The subscriber database does not cease to grow

Types of Push-Notifications and Their Applicability

Pushes can serve a myriad of purposes. However, for the sake of narrative we need only a couple of them:

  • Advertising — pushes, which are sent by 3rd party advertisers to your audience
  • In-house — pushes, which you send to your audience

In both cases, the recipients constitute the same database of subscribers, but their working principles and results are quite different. The former should be treated as an extra source of income, while the latter is an additional channel of communication with your subscribers. Let’s take a closer look at both.

Advertising Push-Notifications

As stated earlier, push-notifications for advertising serve as a source of income. If you have a website, frequented by some users, you can monetize this traffic. Simply sign up to a push monetization service. Then, a special plugin or line of code will be added to your website to start gathering a database of subscribers. When it’s over, the service will start to send push-notifications to your subscribers.

By clicking on a push, your subscribers are redirected to the 3rd party landers or website to complete (ideally) a target action. Advertisers and services get access to the target audience, and you receive commission for every ad click. Keep in mind that the database of subscribers grows constantly. Its size determines the income, which might be unimpressive at the beginning, but over time the profit becomes substantial.

RollerAds offers an opportunity to monetize your traffic. Just register with us, wait for the moderation to finish, and either add a special JS-tag to the website HTML or install a WP-plugin. Learn more about monetization with RollerAds in a dedicated article.

The core advantage of pushes is that you are to set up everything only once, like choosing appropriate ad categories and optimal frequency of ads. The network will take it from there, since it is in charge of sending out the notifications. The more subscribers you have, the higher your income will be.

However, any ad format tends to become a nuisance, and push notifications are not immune to it. Users might start unsubscribing, causing you to lose your precious income. Fear not, though, there are ways to keep pushes engaging and interesting; but first, let’s talk about in-house pushes.

In-House Push-Notifications

Besides monetizing your traffic, you can use push-notifications to communicate with your audience, utilizing a push-notification service provider, e.g., The Sender. Unlike pushes designed for advertising, in-house counterparts enable you to publish anything to anybody and whenever you want. Consider promoting your products & content, informing about updates and special offers, or controlling the flow of ads manually whenever needed. As a result, pushes become an alternative option for interacting with the audience, on a par with SMS and emails.

What exactly can you inform your subscribers about:

  • New article in the blog
  • New series of their favorite TV show
  • Beginning of a sports broadcast
  • The latest news about website/platform

Your subscribers will always know the latest news and come back to your website, contributing to your traffic volume.

These push applications solve different problems, and they are good at that. But when you combine both, you get an even better result. Having tested this approach a few times, we’ve even come up with the name for it — a hybrid format. On top of the ads, your subscribers will receive relevant notifications as well. Not only it solves the issue of unsubscribing, but boosts the income from monetization.

How It Works 

Should you already have a push-notification service for traffic monetization in place and a database collected, simply choose and install a service to send out in-house pushes. For instance, if you decide to work with The Sender, transfer your database and set up push newsletters in just 15 minutes.

When done right, in-house push notifications add value to push ads overall and retain the users better, because the info they get is more relevant. The traffic volume grows, number of ad clicks increases, unsubscription rate drops — all of these factors contribute to monetization income growth. Ka-ching 🤑!

Better monetization is just a tip of the iceberg, and here is what lies beneath:

  • Profit stabilization: some website types are prone to seasonality, e.g., sports-streaming services. You can adjust the ratio of advertising-to-in-house pushes, so as not to start spamming or missing out on potential profit.
  • Facilitation of other types of monetization: by raising the volume of traffic your website gets, you will also earn extra income from other ads on your website.
  • SEO improvement: search engines notice when people begin to frequent your website, so they eventually put it higher is SERP.

Search Engine Optimization via pushes is a complex topic, deserving a separate article. We’ll tell you more about it someday. For now, all you have to know is that in-house pushes generate additional organic traffic, which is the best way to increase your income.

Instead of Conclusion

Pushes can serve a bunch of purposes. To achieve the best marketing results, it is best to use a couple of them. If you are into push monetization already, think of implementing in-house pushes too, and vice versa. Communicating with your audience is the right way to generate more loyalists. Making your pushes interesting and desirable is the game changer.

It’s not that the hybrid format is a silver bullet, but taking a closer look at it is worth your effort. Contact RollerAds’ support team or your account manager to see whether mixed pushes will benefit your cause. There are no two identical cases, which is why we’d like to examine your situation individually.

Have a profitable day!

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